It is sometimes hard to admit, but I have become a fan of the hit TV show "True Blood". It is a show that has a great story and the constant barrage of hanging endings have kept me intrigued, that I'm eagerly anticipating the next episode. The show is definitely not for kiddies and not for people that have a hard time with discernment. For this show and many like it, discernment is to be used. The show at times is too much on the sex and the violence. But to it's credit, they have created a captivating story line and meaningful characters that you care about.
One of the most intriguing parts of the show are the "Christians" especially the ones that go to Church called the "Fellowship of the Sun". They are the lamest and most judgmental-hate filled people of the show. You would have the Pastor mix Jesus with hate and violence. Sadly, these characterizations have become a growing trend in Television. I have yet to see a "Christian" character show love and compassion while at same time disagreeing with an issue. I mean disagreeing with someones life choice or behavior, does not mean you hate them. But for some reason, that seems to get lost in translation. It concerns me, that possibly millions of people will "think" or "believe" that all Christians act like the ones from the "Fellowship of the Sun". However, it is hard to admit that there are a few, yet loud "Christians" who act and behave exactly like the "Fellowship of the Sun". It bothered me quite a bit. But there was a line by Sookie (played by Anna Paquin) that made me roar and cheer as if someone had scored a Touchdown or scored a Goal. She screams at the Pastor- "Jesus would have been ashamed of you!!" At that moment, I wanted to hug Sookie and twirl her in the air. The Pastor promptly responds with a smile, "I guess we have to agree to disagree".
In bed, I had a good conversation with my wife about the importance of painting an accurate picture of Christ. So many people unfortunately, get a distorted and corrupt view of Jesus and what the Church should be. That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about it, pondering about what I just saw. I even prayed about it- talked about it with God. Told Him, how it hurt me that many people are not seeing the real Jesus in Christians. As we talked that night, my heart started to stir and started to beat faster. I knew this was something that I was passionate about. For some reason whenever I get passionate, I start raising my arms crying out to God to do something. I started to hit my pillow, only to be interrupted by my wife asking me, "what the hell are you doing?" I guess it does look weird when your supposed to be asleep and your arms are flailing in the sky and your hitting your pillow.
As the night started to get quiet and I was about to sleep, a nudge to my heart and thought to my head simultaneously came. And it was the word "discipleship". And it hit me, people need discipleship. They need to be taught the truth, they need to be shown a true and accurate picture of Christ. It was Jesus' last command to "Go out and make disciples". The problem is we have either neglected this command or we have taught falsely. How often do Christians disciple other Christians? Do they leave that job to the Pastor? When Jesus said this last command before he left earth, it was for every Christian not just a select few! The lack of discipleship is not only just hurting the walk of Christians but also non- believers who are constantly being shown an inaccurate view of Jesus and what following Christ looks like.
Sometimes I wonder, if the Church had done its job in discipling believers with an accurate picture of Christ, maybe we would smile a lot more when we watch a "Christian" character on TV instead of always feeling nervous and nauseous like your about to vomit your supper on the TV.
Who knew that watching "True Blood" could feed the fire needed to help the Church become more passionate about discipleship.