Sunday, May 31, 2009

GGC'S Meeting Minutes for May, 31, 2009

Grace Generation Meeting Minutes

May 31,20009 

Bank Account
First worship service: August
Planning/Organizing/Bible Study in July

Opening Prayer – Ptr. David Cay 

Fundraising letter
Must get it out by next week for sure
Dan make letterhead
Arvin edit
Core responsible for sending them out

Charity Status
Need to apply online

“Do you realize the magnitude of what is going to happen?” Starting in a month!3 

Approx at least $3200 pledged from core and other donors

Faith budget -- $4000
David’s Salary

Fundraising Letter (general idea with separate attachment with what we specifically need)
Sound board
Utility Van

Closing Prayer

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mission Trip

Two weeks ago I went on a Mission Trip to Vancouver and it was one of the greatest times of my life. We worked with a lot of the homeless and did a lot of community work. We got to meet a lot of great people and a lot of Christians who have dedicated their life in helping the poor and fighting for justice.

It was a different type of experience. It was nothing like camp or YC- it was joy and fulfillment in knowing that you were helping someone who desperately needed help. We spent most of the time outside of the Church than inside of it. We were getting our hands dirty and working hard so that someone in need will benefit from it.

It was sad that this was the first time that I did something like this. Why haven't I done this before? Perhaps there was no opportunity to do something like this? Or perhaps I was too busy feeling comfortable? I feel both are true. Helping the poor in my opinion is bottom of the list for most Churches. It looks like most churches are too consumed with ministering inside the church than it is outside of the Church. Just look at some Church's Budget and you will see what they prioritize and what they value. 

From this experience, I cannot help but be frustrated at how many Churches ignore the poor. Jesus was all about healing people. Whenever someone was in need like the blind man or the man with leprosy, Jesus would immediately heal them. He didn't tell them that He would do it later. He never ever said no. He never said wait for heaven. And He never said that if you accept me first then I will help you. Jesus was not only concerned about people's spiritual and eternal destinies, He was also concerned about their present needs. He was also concerned about their life in the here and now.

Sometimes Churches focus way too much on the future. Yes, it is very important that we preach that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Yes, we should tell people about the Gospel. Yes, we should be concerned about people's eternal destinies. But it should not give us an excuse to ignore and and not care about what people are going through in their present lives. If we look at Jesus, He looked at the person holistically. This means that Jesus was interested in the whole person. He was concerned about forgiving their past, abundant life in the present, and heaven in the future. 

I got to meet and talk with a lot of homeless people. It was interesting to know that many of them do work, but they just don't make enough. It was also interesting to meet a man named Chris, who had a college diploma from SAIT. He had diploma in networking- yet He couldn't find a job. It was also heartbreaking to meet people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. I met one person who spent $1000 of his welfare cheque on booze. 

It's true that some of them have made pretty bad choices but not all of them have. We as a society love to put stereotypes on people- thinking that everyone fits into them. The funny thing is, many people who have stereotypes have never talked to or spent time with the people that they are judging. But it is humbling to have your stereotypes broken and destroyed when you meet someone that doesn't meet fit that criteria. 

I truly believe in helping others for the sake of just helping them. There should not be a hidden agenda or a hidden criteria. So what if they are addicted to alcohol, does that mean we don't help them?  I wonder, what if it was your friend or relative that was addicted to alcohol- do you just sit there and criticize them? Or do we do something about it?

When Jesus said love your neighbor- it didn't just mean your friends and relatives. It meant everyone! Your neighbor is the poor person in Downtown Calgary or the person you do not like. We sometimes forget that the homeless in Calgary are people too. They are loved by God and made in God's image. But for some reason some of us have these feelings of superiority about ourselves. And we may never say it, perhaps we even think it- that we are better than these people. But honestly we are not. 

I would encourage you to read Matthew 25: 31-46 and answer this question:

What have you done for the least of these?

"For what you do for the least of these- you do it to me" Matthew 25: 40

Sunday, May 17, 2009

CHUCK Renewed for Season 3!!!

It's official! Chuck is back! Chuck has been renewed for 13 episodes for Season 3, with a possibility of NBC picking up 9 additional episodes if the ratings hold up nicely. Chuck is back!! Yay!!!! This is the best news ever!! Watch CHUCK! It's a fun show to watch!

Friday, May 15, 2009

LOST Season 5 Finale

LOST has to be the greatest show ever! The Season 5 Finale was epic. It was amazing. I hope Season 6 is just as good and that they end the show in a satisfying manner. 

If you have not ever watched LOST, I encourage you to do so. It is truly a work of art and the storytelling is absolutely amazing. 

One hope I have for Season 6 is that I hope the Smoke Monster pays for killing my precious Mr. Eko. Your day will come Smoke Monster...

LOST comes back January 2010. 8 more months! I don't think I'll survive....please help me..please!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Church Theme Song? God of this City by Chris Tomlin

[Verse 1]
You're the God of this City 
You're the King of these people 
You're the Lord of this nation 
You are 

[Verse 2]
You're the Light in this darkness 
You're the Hope to the hopeless 
You're the Peace to the restless 
You are 

There is no one like our God 
There is no one like our God 

For greater things have yet to come 
And greater things are still to be done in this City 
Greater thing have yet to come 
And greater things are still to be done in this City 

[Verse 1]

[Verse 2]

There is no one like our God 
There is no one like our God 

For greater things have yet to come 
And greater things are still to be done in this City 
Greater things have yet to come 
And greater things are still to be done here 

There is no one like our god 
There is no one like our God 

Greater things have yet to come 
And greater things are still to be done in this City 
Greater things have yet to come 
And greater things are still to be done here

Friday, May 1, 2009

If We are the Body by Casting Crowns

Great song! A possible Church theme song? Read and meditate on the words..

It's crowded in worship today 
As she slips in 
Trying to fade into the faces 
The girls' teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know 
Farther than they know 

But if we are the Body 
Why aren't His arms reaching 
Why aren't His hands healing 
Why aren't His words teaching 
And if we are the Body 
Why aren't His feet going 
Why is His love not showing them there is a way 
There is a way 

A traveler is far away from home 
He sheds his coat 
And quietly sinks into the back row 
The weight of their judgmental glances tells him that his chances 
Are better out on the road 

But if we are the Body 
Why aren't His arms reaching 
Why aren't His hands healing 
Why aren't His words teaching 
And if we are the Body 
Why aren't His feet going 
Why is His love not showing them there is a way 

Jesus paid much too high a price 
For us to pick and choose who should come 
And we are the Body of Christ 

Chorus (2x) 
If we are the body 
Why aren't His arms reaching 
Why aren't His hands healing 
Why aren't His words teaching 
And if we are the body 
Why aren't His feet going 
Why is His love not showing them there is a way 

Jesus is the way