Thursday, February 26, 2009

GGC Update!

I got the confirmation letter for our business number and payroll deduction number! So that means we have everything we need to open a bank account! Next week I'm going to get the PO Box number and open a bank account! YAY! 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Consumer Church vs. Missional Church

Consumer Church

Church is seen as a dispenser of religious goods and services. People come to church to be fed, to have their needs met through quality programs, and to have the professionals teach their children.

"I got to Church"


Missional Church

Church is seen as a body of people sent on a mission who gather in community, for worship, encouragement, and teaching from the Word that supplements what they are feeding themselves throughout the week.

"I am the Church"

- taken from the book "The Emerging Church" by Dan Kimball 2003

It is my desire that we become a Missional Church.

Ratings for this Week of my favorite shows!

Chuck- 6.83 million viewers ;(
LOST- 11.27 million viewers
Gossip Girl (R)- 1.6 million viewers

Good Quote

"There is no adventure without an element of fear"

"Fear is essential for adventure"

- GGC February 19, 2009

New Chuck Promo!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

GGC Update!

So we finally registered for a business number and we got a payroll deduction number as well. So barring any unforseen circumstances we should be able to open a bank account real soon. Most likely in 2 weeks! Yay! So things are finally moving on the financial front. Let's just pray things go smoothly!

Transformers Trailer #2!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Meeting Minutes for February 8, 2009

GGC Meeting Minutes
February 8,2009

To create a come as you are culture, develop deep friendships, and gain a sense of belonging. We want to be welcoming, loving, transparent, open, honest, diverse and UNITED. Oh and we don’t gossip.

Come as you are
o Be real
o Personal Mindset – don’t judge
o Leave our egos at the door
o Promotion

Develop Friendships
o Genuine effort
o Don’t treat them as targets
o No hidden agenda
o Follow through
o Real friendship – not just “church friends”
o Be yourself, don’t force a friendship – but be conscious of who is around (who’s new, who’s alone)

o Avoid groups/cliques
o General activities (game nights, movies, sports, bbq’s, book club) – no gospel presentation; get to know people
o Volunteer Opportunities (feed the poor, etic)
o Ministry Involvement (use holy discernment – case to case basis)

o There’s a time and place
o Promote
o Relational
o Confidentiality

o Talk to everyone – multicultural
o Welcome others with diverse beliefs

This starts with YOU!

Team Building
Special Events (Guess who’s coming for dinner! Retreats, Dinner, Family Camp, Amazing Race,)
Potlucks after church (cook food, bring cookies, sandwiches)

o Relationships are the key!
o There is NO formula- just be yourself and share!
o Worship Service- gospel presentation
o Education is important (book exchange, create a library, classes)
o Missionary Concept – we become the missionary; we learn their culture, learn how to communicate with their culture

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chuck Episode 13 Promo

This is awesome! I cannot wait!!

Transformers 2 Trailer!!!

G.I. Joe Trailer!! This is awesome!!!

Journey of Faith

This is something interesting that I learned at the Youth Conference and it's about the stages of Faith. I thought this was a realistic view of people in their stages of faith.

Journey of Faith

- Simplicity
- Complexity
- Perplexity
- Humility


Stage 1: Recognition of God
Stage 2: Dicipled Life
Stage 3: Productive Life

So this is when everything is going good- you accepted Christ; you are learning and growing


Stage 4: Inward Journey

Things start to get complex. Things aren't going as smoothly. Times of trials and tribulations.


The Wall- you have to make a choice to give up or keep going- Crisis of Faith!
- sadly, many people choose to give up and turn their backs on Christ


Stage 5: Outward Journey
Stage 6: Life of Love

When people get to this stage they never turn their back on God. They have passed the moment of testing and the crisis of faith. They are now humbled at God's grace and they walk with great confidence in the Lord. 

I hope this helps you know where you are at in your faith journey. It will also help you know where other people are at in their faith journey as well.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chuck Superbowl Commercials!!

These are awesome! Check it out!!!