Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Christians on Gossip Girl?

Did anyone catch Gossip Girl on Monday? Like many Mondays, Gossip Girl is on at the Cay household and in this episode low and behold, the "Christians" make an appearance. But unfortunately, they made us look really lame and I mean so lame that you would laugh and shake your head in embarrassment and disgust . For me personally it was quite hilarious but it was also quite sad that many people view Christians in this manner.

The scene in Gossip Girl showed a group of Christians crashing a they were wearing Christian t-shirts and singing hymns in unity while mingling with people at the party. They were handing out literature and they were holding crosses as if to shun away Vampires.

It was amusing yet sad. As a Christian, I am nothing like these "Christians" on Gossip Girl. But I would say in shame that some are exactly like that. It sucks that TV or media in General would focus primarily on the minority of Christians that are loud, obnoxious, and plain weird. But I guess it would make a better show and a better story. But I wish they would also show that Christians are regular people who just love Jesus and do have certain values. But most often were portrayed as really weird or judgmental.

What if the only "Christians" people ever meet are those that are on TV? That would be tragic! Though this sucks, I also welcome the opportunity to break people's stereotypes of Christians. I welcome the challenge and so should you. So lets show people who Jesus really is by loving people and caring for them.

To the "Christians in Gossip Girl"- what would Jesus do? Definitely not that!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kelly Clarkson Cover of Miley's Song "The Climb"

Kelly Clarkson with her back up singers! So good!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We are moving!!!

After weeks of searching and calling places we finally found a place for our Worship Service!!! God is just so good! It is simply amazing! Grace Generation Church will be moving to Calgary Chinese Baptist Church on October 18, 2009! Our service will start at 6pm and will end at 8pm.

So we have one more month before we move and we have decided to do a month-long fundraising/promotional campaign. We are in dire need of musical and technical equipment. So we are asking you for your support. God is doing a lot of exciting things and I am anxious to see what He does next!

If you wish to support us financially, please make out cheques payable to

"Grace Generation Church of Calgary" and send it to:

Grace Generation Church of Calgary
PO Box 29076
Hidden Valley RPO NW
Calgary, AB
T3A 6L2

Please provide us with your name and address so that we can give you tax deductible receipt. As of this moment our Church does not have a Charity Number, but we are working hard to get one and we should get one by the end of the year. Thank you for prayers and support!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Grace Generation Church Meeting Minutes

August 30,2009

Proposed Budget (60 out, 40 in)

  • $4200 monthly budget
  • $2500 Salary
  • $1000 rent
  • $200 Church Stuff
  • $300 CNBC Co-Operative Program (Disaster Relief and Missions)
  • $200 Neighborlink

Budget approved by team

*meet with Auntie Marte about how to break up David’s salary

*need to make a list for what is needed – Convention & possibly The Bridge (ask them) are willing to help purchase (i.e musical instruments/supplies, photocopier

Fundraising Events

  • Bottle Depot (quarterly)
  • Coco-Brooks
  • Bridge Brand
  • Garage Sale (yearly)- remaining items will be sent to a Charity
  • Fundraising Letter of Support

Treasurer – Dianne

Secretary – Joy

Chairman – Gerard

Vice Chairman – Rhea

Trustees – Gladys, Dianne, Rhea

*note: must update and fix constitution to match our application for charity status.


Next Meeting – September 27, 2009