Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We are moving!!!

After weeks of searching and calling places we finally found a place for our Worship Service!!! God is just so good! It is simply amazing! Grace Generation Church will be moving to Calgary Chinese Baptist Church on October 18, 2009! Our service will start at 6pm and will end at 8pm.

So we have one more month before we move and we have decided to do a month-long fundraising/promotional campaign. We are in dire need of musical and technical equipment. So we are asking you for your support. God is doing a lot of exciting things and I am anxious to see what He does next!

If you wish to support us financially, please make out cheques payable to

"Grace Generation Church of Calgary" and send it to:

Grace Generation Church of Calgary
PO Box 29076
Hidden Valley RPO NW
Calgary, AB
T3A 6L2

Please provide us with your name and address so that we can give you tax deductible receipt. As of this moment our Church does not have a Charity Number, but we are working hard to get one and we should get one by the end of the year. Thank you for prayers and support!


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