Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Missio Dei Mentality

Hey friends!

So last night before I went to bed I was thinking about what it would look like to have a "Missio Dei Mentality"- in other words what does it mean to have a "Mission of God" mentality?

This what I came up with. A person with a "Missio Dei Mentality" looks like this:

1) First and foremost is always dependent on the Holy Spirit. Jesus left the Holy Spirit to us and sometimes I feel He is the forgotten God. Francis Chan's new book is actually about this. But we need to be confident in the Holy Spirit's power! To the point that we expect the Holy Spirit to work. It also means that we have complete trust in the Holy Spirit even when we cannot see tangibly what He is doing. I heard it once said: 100% man and 100% God. We do what we can and we let God do what He does best!

2) Relationships!! We are out there to form genuine relationships with people. So we don't see them evangelistic targets, but we actually want to be their friends and out of that we tell them about Jesus and we invite them to Church. So the ideal is to hang out with them during the week and get into their lives. Caring for them holistically meaning caring for their past, present and future needs. This becomes our mentality- that we think about others and find a way to bless them through relationships.

3) Bless the Community- seeks to help those in unfortunate circumstances. We seek to work outside of Church walls, blessing the community with good works and finances.

4) The Church is who we are and not so much the building- wherever you go Church is happening because you are there. The Church is not just a Sunday thing; it's a everyday thing! We don't have Sunday Friends, there is no such thing as that. Community and belonging happens throughout the week.

5) Missionaries to the Culture. We engage the culture not run away from it. We do not back down from a challenge or run away from questions. Instead we take advantage of opportunities to engage the culture with knowledge, wisdom and character. Sharing the truth and reasons why we believe in a clear and concise manner that is understandable. This is done with kindness and respect.

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