Thursday, March 4, 2010

Remember the Dream

I was driving in my bus (yeah I drive school buses part and I was talking to God and I noticed something different in my prayers. Slowly but surely my prayers have become small, trivial and realistic. This bothered me for the whole bus ride. I used to love praying BIG prayers, asking God to do impossible things. But lately, it been prayers about merely surviving and getting by in life. I would pray for Church, but it would be small prayers like praying that we make rent and hopefully reach a few people.

This time in the bus reminded me that I had forgotten about the dream. It reminded me that my faith has become small. I can picture Jesus saying to me "Oh you of little faith", and he was right. The painful part about it was that I never even noticed how small my faith had become. I had let problems, struggles, and the stresses of life shrink my faith.

My time in the bus reminded me that I serve a BIG God! A God that does the impossible! It should always be an expectation not a hope, that God will do crazy-amazing things! When we started this Church, we had such big dreams and hopes. But lately it seems that many of us have forgotten the dream. We have settled for mediocrity.

Let us not forget the dream! Let us continue to dream BIG and have faith that God will do the impossible! Let us continue to pray and expect God to do things that only God can do. Never stop working, never stop praying and never forget who we follow!

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