Friday, July 3, 2009

Grace Generation Meeting Minutues- July 2, 2009


July 2,2009


  • We are finally beginning! How do you feel?


  • Core will be meeting at 4pm for the month of July
  • Thursday night GGC bible study – officially starts in July
    • Format: eat, devotion, discussion, hang (start right on time 7pm)
    • For future reference – possibly 2 bible studies a week?
    • Not just a bible study; can be time where we go out and volunteer in the community; fundraising
  • Official service starting in August; time? TBA
  • Thursday bible study resumes as usual
  • Core to meet Sunday mornings before worship service for discipleship/training

Fundraising Letter

  • Now completed.
  • Waiting on letterhead and then it is ready to be distributed
  • Suggestion for an email template, so its easier to give the letter to family/friends abroad.

Evangelism Program

  • We have none; we are the program!
  • Desire is to engage in intelligent conversations with non-believers
  • Sharing through relationships
  • Invite them into a community – e.g movies, shopping, concerts, clubbing haha!
  • We ARE the CHURCH. Must not gravitate to one another. This is the church entrusted to us. We are the frontline. DO NOT BE AFRAID

Final Thought

  • There’s a dream in your heart that God wants you to pursue


  • Seek, pray, and discover that dream and desire that God has placed in your heart and let David know.

The Glory of God is man fully ALIVE

Closing Prayer.

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