Monday, June 8, 2009

Proposed Plan for July and August 2009

Hey guys

Here is a proposed plan- please critique and ask any questions that you may have. Thanks!

The Plan:


Start an official GGC Bible Study on Thursdays
- invite friends
- eat together
- talk about Jesus
- targetted for new people, but will also go deep for the ones that are already walking with Jesus; won't be entirely basic.

Be intentional- Be the Church
- hang out with friends
- invite people into a community (going to movies; playing video games; watching sports etc.)

Sundays- Meet with Core only
- pray together
- sing together
- equipping- just like how we are doing CNC bs right now


Start an official GGC Sunday Worship Service
- invite friends

Sunday Mornings before the service- meet with Core
- equipping time (just like how we are doing CNC bs right now)

Official GGC Bible Study on Thursdays will continue

Be intentional- Be the Church
- hang out with friends
- invite people into a community (going to movies; playing poker; watching sports etc.)

Community Events- let's get out there!

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