Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The power of relationships

It was a pretty sad week with Pastor Jesse passing. I had the privilege of speaking at the viewing and it was nice to know that I had nothing but awesome memories of Pastor Jesse. He is someone that I really want to be like. As a pastor, you want to be something like Pastor Jesse in his humbleness and his care and love for others. There is nothing quite like friendships and relationships. They are the backbone of what we do and love. To love someone and to care for them is one of the most powerful things we can give to someone.

The best times are usually spending time with friends over dinner or over coffee. Relationships are priceless! We can buy all these material things, but they will never come close to having the same power that a relationship or a friendship has. Spending time with people we love is where it is at. Memories are made when we are with friends.

People want relationships- they want to be loved and cared for. It's great to share Jesus with people, but it's more powerful when we do that and they know we actually care and love them too. I believe they would be more receptive to having a relationship with Christ when we show (not much say) that Jesus loves you.

It is amazing to me that the God of the Universe wants to have a relationship with you. Jesus wants to be a part of your life. He is interested in your fears and what you care about. He wants to walk with you through the good times and the bad times- promising to never leave you nor forsake you. He has dreams for us too! Dreams that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has even conceived or imagined what God has planned for those that love Him.

Relationships must be one of the most important aspects of Grace Generation. It has to be a church that genuinely cares and loves people. A Church that is willing to invest in the messiness of people's lives and guiding them to the best relationship that they can have- Jesus Christ! So I appeal to everyone to look at the interest of others and not just our own. For relationships have power to change lives and make life worth living.

Great Hoffa Clip!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A place of Worship?

Hey friends!

From my last update, I told you how a special person decided to financially support a building for our church! Which means, that the individual would pay our rent bills until we can afford it on our own. When I heard this news, I was so excited and so thankful! God can really do amazing things and I love how He just surprises us with these out of nowhere type announcements. I love it!

So last week, me and Hazel went looking for around for potential places of Worship. Now, let me tell you something about Hazel. She is the bravest person I have ever met. She is not scared of anything! She is such a good talker- very professional. To be honest I feel safe when she is around. I guess we don't call her "Agent Anderson" for nothing. She's that good!

But anyways, we looked around and we got one great offer. The price was good! The place fit our needs! BUT it wouldn't allow us to place music! Bummer! This would have been the ideal fit, but I guess it wasn't the place God had for us. The other places that we looked at were really expensive and not in the realms of our budget.

This week, we have resumed the "find a church" project and we do have a few leads! So keep praying for us that we can find a place! God is good! I know He has a place, but we just have to keep looking and soon enough he will reveal it! Pray pray pray!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Updates #2

Hey everyone

I just want to start of and say that God is good! When God touches something He really does amazing things. After the service I received word that someone (the person wished to remain anonymous) is willing to pay rent for a building for our church!!

The "someone" told me to find a building whether it is a hotel ballroom or community center and he/she is willing to pay the rent for it until we can afford it!

This is awesome news! Please pray for me and Hazel as we look for a place of worship on Wednesday!

God is good man! Expect more of this stuff. Have faith no doubts!

Keep praying! Keep fundraising because we will really need stuff if we get a place of worship.

Today's service went pretty well today! We finally got the mics to we had 28 people come out. So thanks to all that came, I pray that you had an experience with God today.

Please continue to pray for us and I hope you guys have a great week. Also, Bible Study this Thursday is at Marc's house. Please contact us for details.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The New Toronto Raptors!!!

What an offseason! The Toronto Raptors have gotten better and we have added depth. This is probably the best team that we've had in years! We've added 7 new faces to the roster!

DeMar DeRozan
Jarett Jack
Antoine Wright
Hedo Turkoglu
Rasho Nesterovic
Marco Bellinelli
Reggie Evans

We've added athleticism, toughness, grit and defense

So our Starting lineup should look like this:

PG: Jose Calderon
SG: Demar DeRozan
SF: Hedo Turkoglu
PF: Chris Bosh
C: Andrea Bargnani


PG: Jarrett Jack
SG: Marco Bellinelli
SF: Antoine Wright
PF: Reggie Evans
C: Rasho Nesterovic

Bench Warmers:
Patrick Obryant
Quincy Douby
Roko Ukic
Marcus Banks

That is a pretty great lineup. I predict 4th in the East!!

We need to get rid of Ukic and Marcus Banks. Get some veterans on this team!! I'm excited for the season! I cannot wait!! GO RAPTORS!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

What a week!

Hey Friends

That was a pretty hectic week! We got a lot done! We had our first GGC event "BBQ in the Park" and we also had our very first service! Yay!

The week started with the monster job of cleaning my basement! The basement was a dusty mess! We had to sweep the whole basement; wipe the walls; mop the floor and then paint it. It took two days to complete! Thanks to everyone who helped out!

On Saturday, we had a BBQ in the Park. Check out the pictures on the website! A lot of people came out- 41 people to be exact. We BBQ'd burgers and Hot Dogs! The Burgers were a hit! Unfortunately, the beautiful Jumbo Hot Dogs were not =( Oh well I guess more for me! Yay!

On Saturday Night, Shaula and I moved couches and chairs (bought from Wal-Mart) to the basement for the service that would happen on Sunday. It was quite the workout! I broke a sweat and probably lost some weight, only to be gained back again after a nice mid-night
snack- a precious Hot Dog!

On Sunday, we had our very first GGC Worship Service in my basement. 26 people came out for our very first service! Thanks to all that came! I was pretty nervous for some reason, I wonder if it showed? But I really want to thank God for being my friend and blessing us with this great week. All the Glory should go to Him!
