Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Feeding the Fire by watching True Blood!!??

It is sometimes hard to admit, but I have become a fan of the hit TV show "True Blood". It is a show that has a great story and the constant barrage of hanging endings have kept me intrigued, that I'm eagerly anticipating the next episode. The show is definitely not for kiddies and not for people that have a hard time with discernment. For this show and many like it, discernment is to be used. The show at times is too much on the sex and the violence. But to it's credit, they have created a captivating story line and meaningful characters that you care about.

One of the most intriguing parts of the show are the "Christians" especially the ones that go to Church called the "Fellowship of the Sun". They are the lamest and most judgmental-hate filled people of the show. You would have the Pastor mix Jesus with hate and violence. Sadly, these characterizations have become a growing trend in Television. I have yet to see a "Christian" character show love and compassion while at same time disagreeing with an issue. I mean disagreeing with someones life choice or behavior, does not mean you hate them. But for some reason, that seems to get lost in translation. It concerns me, that possibly millions of people will "think" or "believe" that all Christians act like the ones from the "Fellowship of the Sun". However, it is hard to admit that there are a few, yet loud "Christians" who act and behave exactly like the "Fellowship of the Sun". It bothered me quite a bit. But there was a line by Sookie (played by Anna Paquin) that made me roar and cheer as if someone had scored a Touchdown or scored a Goal. She screams at the Pastor- "Jesus would have been ashamed of you!!" At that moment, I wanted to hug Sookie and twirl her in the air. The Pastor promptly responds with a smile, "I guess we have to agree to disagree".

In bed, I had a good conversation with my wife about the importance of painting an accurate picture of Christ. So many people unfortunately, get a distorted and corrupt view of Jesus and what the Church should be. That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about it, pondering about what I just saw. I even prayed about it- talked about it with God. Told Him, how it hurt me that many people are not seeing the real Jesus in Christians. As we talked that night, my heart started to stir and started to beat faster. I knew this was something that I was passionate about. For some reason whenever I get passionate, I start raising my arms crying out to God to do something. I started to hit my pillow, only to be interrupted by my wife asking me, "what the hell are you doing?" I guess it does look weird when your supposed to be asleep and your arms are flailing in the sky and your hitting your pillow.

As the night started to get quiet and I was about to sleep, a nudge to my heart and thought to my head simultaneously came. And it was the word "discipleship". And it hit me, people need discipleship. They need to be taught the truth, they need to be shown a true and accurate picture of Christ. It was Jesus' last command to "Go out and make disciples". The problem is we have either neglected this command or we have taught falsely. How often do Christians disciple other Christians? Do they leave that job to the Pastor? When Jesus said this last command before he left earth, it was for every Christian not just a select few! The lack of discipleship is not only just hurting the walk of Christians but also non- believers who are constantly being shown an inaccurate view of Jesus and what following Christ looks like.

Sometimes I wonder, if the Church had done its job in discipling believers with an accurate picture of Christ, maybe we would smile a lot more when we watch a "Christian" character on TV instead of always feeling nervous and nauseous like your about to vomit your supper on the TV.

Who knew that watching "True Blood" could feed the fire needed to help the Church become more passionate about discipleship.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer Movies!!

Inception: 5 Stars out of 5
- seriously this movie was amazing!
- brilliant cast, awesome story
- brilliant movie about dreams
- it was actually something that I can relate too, especially the dreams part

The Other Guys: 2 and a half stars out of 5
- had it's funny moments
- Will Ferell and Mark Wahlberg had awesome chemistry
- stupid funny, the storyline was pretty weak
- was expecting more

Raptors Trade!

The Raptors trade Marco Bellinelli to New Orleans for Julian Wright

We got more athletic with this trade, but other than that nothing to get excited about. This is going to be a long year...sigh..not one of those AGAIN! But it's sad to say that I'm used to it...

GGC Turns 1!!

We just had our first anniversary service and it was amazing! I'm really thankful for what God has done this past year. When I watched our retrospect video, I was truly touched by it. I am so proud of my team. They are truly amazing people and they work so hard. I am so blessed to have them. GGC would not be anywhere it is now without these remarkable people. There have been good times and there have been bad times, but we sticked it out together and it has been quite the adventure. Year one truly have some great memories and great stories- that one day we will share to our kids. I can't believe we made it this far, it has absolutely been a crazy ride.

The greatest part is that it's just the beginning. There is more story to be told. The adventure has just begun. We continue our quest to make Jesus famous. We continue to establish the DNA of a 'Come as you are Missional Community' where we are the Church every single day.

So year 2 begins...what's going to happen next?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Jalen..aka Mr. Laughy

My son is amazing, I love him to death! I am so proud to be a Dad and I'm so thankful for what God has blessed us with. I'm proud of Shaula too, she is an amazing mother and wife. She works extremely hard and she keeps me in line ;) Life is so beautiful right now, that I forget about all our financial problems....or maybe I just remembered..lol..hahahahaha... But God is good, I cannot tell you how He has provided for us during this time. It is absolutely amazing. I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, I mean He always comes through- I hope one day it will just become an expectation.

Jalen is getting so big right now and it's only been 10 weeks. I'm already sad that he is growing up. I want to cherish each moment even when changing his diaper, his poo seems to be getting worse and worse. I miss the old poo already. Time just keeps going faster and faster. Got to enjoy every moment of it. I'm looking forward to seeing my son grow up. I pray he grows up to be a good boy and has lots of girlfriends. But in all seriousness, I really hope he grows up to love Jesus just as much as I do. Following Jesus and having this awesome relationship/friendship with the Creator is LIFE! It is my joy and it gives me peace; a purpose and meaning to this life. The adventure that will never end, yet the story is just beginning.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chuck's mom is Sarah Connor!?!?

They just announced at Comic Con 2010 that Linda Hamilton aka Sarah Connor from Terminator 2 will be Mama Bartowski in Season 4 of NBC's Chuck! This is going to be awesome!! I cannot wait for Season 4! Chuck returns on Monday, September 20, 2010 on NBC!

I'm back!!

Hey guys!

After a 5 month hiatus I am back to blogging! So watch out for new blogs!


Monday, March 15, 2010


My wife's dog passed away yesterday morning, she was 10 years old; in dog years that would make her 70 years old. Her passing brought about a lot of sad emotions. She will be greatly missed.

Nobody likes death, in fact I'm pretty sure everyone hates it. Death is probably the worst thing to experience here on earth. To lose someone and to not have that person around anymore is the worst feeling.

However, death is the destiny of everyone. No one will escape death, no matter what we try to do. We can exercise, eat healthy, have surgeries or lock ourselves in a room- each one of us will taste death.

But besides the obvious, why does death hurt us so much? Is it because we yearn to live forever? I think everyone, no matter what they believe, yearns for a place where there is no disease, no sickness, no death, no wars, no sadness, no tears- a place that is completely perfect. A place where we can see our dead loved ones again.

The Bible calls this place heaven. For Christians, this is the hope that we have. Death is not the end but a beginning. I'm aware that some people would call this "wishful thinking"; that a place like this does not even exist.

But I would wager everything, that all people despite their convictions or beliefs, long for a place like this. Even if they don't believe in a God or in a heaven, I'm sure deep down they would hope its true. Who wouldn't want to be reunited with their dead mother, father, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends and pets??

This is one of the reasons why I believe Jesus and Christianity is worth considering.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Remember the Dream

I was driving in my bus (yeah I drive school buses part time..lol..) and I was talking to God and I noticed something different in my prayers. Slowly but surely my prayers have become small, trivial and realistic. This bothered me for the whole bus ride. I used to love praying BIG prayers, asking God to do impossible things. But lately, it been prayers about merely surviving and getting by in life. I would pray for Church, but it would be small prayers like praying that we make rent and hopefully reach a few people.

This time in the bus reminded me that I had forgotten about the dream. It reminded me that my faith has become small. I can picture Jesus saying to me "Oh you of little faith", and he was right. The painful part about it was that I never even noticed how small my faith had become. I had let problems, struggles, and the stresses of life shrink my faith.

My time in the bus reminded me that I serve a BIG God! A God that does the impossible! It should always be an expectation not a hope, that God will do crazy-amazing things! When we started this Church, we had such big dreams and hopes. But lately it seems that many of us have forgotten the dream. We have settled for mediocrity.

Let us not forget the dream! Let us continue to dream BIG and have faith that God will do the impossible! Let us continue to pray and expect God to do things that only God can do. Never stop working, never stop praying and never forget who we follow!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Life without God

These past few weeks have been pretty rough, maybe a better word for it is overwhelming. There were so many times where I felt so anxious and so worried that it was taking over my life. The only way I could respond to it was to turn to God. I needed help. I needed to talk to Him and seek his presence.

These past few days I have been better. I've been more at peace and I feel more secure as I trust Him. It gave me a new sense of how much I need God; that I can't go through life without Him especially when problems become so overwhelming.

As I was going through this, I was wondering to myself how it would be like to not have God in your life . It's hard for me to imagine life without God. It would just be so hard. It would even be more stressful and challenging. I would have a hard time surviving. Like what do you do when you know you can't do it? What do you do when you fail? Who do you turn to when you need help and your friends and family can't? If we rely solely on ourselves, failures become even bigger because we have no one to blame but ourselves.

I wonder that perhaps we were not meant to rely just on ourselves- it would just be too hard. That maybe we are limited. Maybe there is a reason for that, maybe God likes it when we rely on Him, when we depend on Him, when we trust Him. I know some people would call God a "crutch". But I don't see it that way. I see it more as a loving Father and friend who has tremendous compassion to our circumstances that He is eager to give a helping hand.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christians and the Mind

A lot of Christian experience is based all on emotions. Based on how we feel. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but I wonder if we have neglected the mind? If you ask many Christians today to tell people "what" they believe I'm sure many Christians are able to do so.

But if you ask them, "why" it's true, I'm willing to bet my house that many Christians have no clue. I really believe that is the problem with today's Christianity. Can we answer questions like "Is the Bible reliable?"; "Why is Sex before marriage wrong for you?"; "Why is drunkeness is bad?"

Can we answer these questions without using the cliche "Because the Bible says so...?"

If you use that, then I have a question for you-"why does the Bible say that?" Is it just for fun or because God had nothing better to do?

Here is a good article that I found at the Christian Post. I agree with the article whole heartedly.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The role of Obedience

A Christian's relationship with God should be the most important aspect of his life. It's a relationship that should be vibrant and alive. A relationship which values honesty and transparency- that challenges you, builds you up and refines your character. It is a friendship between you and God, not anyone else, just you and God. To fathom that reality is very hard to do-that the God of this universe calls you friend is mind boggling. It hurts my head just thinking about it. I can talk to God whenever I want. He is there always listening to my worries, struggles and even things that are probably meaningless like tv shows, sports and movies.

But the thing that we need to remember is that God speaks too. So often we love to take over the conversation and its just us talking- blah blah blah blah- and then bye God, see you later. We seldom take the time to just sit and stay silent- listening for God to speak.

But when He does speak, it becomes a moment of decision. We need to decide if we are going to obey or not. That's the thing I find puzzling with some Christians. They want God to speak; they want guidance; they want God to direct their paths- yet when an answer comes it's either not what they expected or it's too hard and painful to do- so they do their own thing. They take the path of least resistance. In other words, it's called disobedience. Then they wonder why life has gone so wrong. As much as it's hard to say, we reap what we sow.

A relationship with God also requires obedience. After all, we do call Jesus our "Lord" don't we? But I'm not sure why people don't take that seriously? Why don't we treat Him as such?
It's funny because we love to use phrases like Jesus is the center of our lives. But if we are honest is He? Can we tell Him honestly that we are having trouble revolving our lives around Him? Can we just admit that were just adding Jesus to our lives when its convenient? These are hard things to admit. But we need to admit it first before we can move forward.

If we truly believe that God knows best and in fact He holds the future, than no matter how hard or inconvenient it is we need to obey, not doing so will only hurt us in the long run.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Here are my 2010 New Year's Resolutions

1. Eat healthier and exercise- limit the junk food

2. Don't be lazy!

3. Don't waste time!

4. Read even more books (I read a lot in 2009- but I want more!!)

5. Pray everyday!

6. Have more self-control when watching Raptor games

7. Listen to more Sermon Podcasts (at least 3 sermons a week)