You hear it all the time-we need to be like Jesus. But I often wonder if somewhere along the line we have lost that truth. How come more and more people do not see Christ in the lives of Christians. When they hear the word Christian they think- judgemental, anti-gay, hypocritical, not loving, and arrogant. These aren't qualties or characteristics of Jesus Christ. Yet, as a believer whether I like it or not I have been steroetyped to be judgemental or hypocritical because I am a Christian. I don't like these stereotypes at all because it does not represent who Jesus was and what He stood for. But then again these stereotypes have been proven true from a few Christians who misrepresent Christ every single day. Some people may not care but they should because it affects us all.
I am never afraid to tell people that I am a Christian. In fact I am proud tha I am! But what bothers me is all the negative stereotypes surrounding the word "Christian". I often wonder if I should stop saying I'm a Christian and instead say I am a follower of Christ. They should mean the same thing really, but research has pointed out that many people love Jesus but they hate the Church. How could that be??? Are we not supposed to be the representation of Jesus Christ himself?
It doesn't make sense! How come people don't see Christ in Christians?? There has to be something wrong! I mean we are known always for what we are against then what we are for. Sometimes it appears that some Christians think they are better than non-Christians. We sometimes have such pride and when we share truth we share it in an arrogant and superior manner. Whatever happened to humility?? Did we forget that because of grace we are saved! God has shown us grace, why can't we show grace to others?
I often wonder if every Christian compared themselves to a Holy God and His righteousness and His standards, they would see that they fall tremondously short of His Glory! It should humble us to the core. But what I find is that many Christians like to compare themselves to other people and when they somehow see that they are "better", it feeds their pride making them feel higher than the rest. And I think that's the root problem- pride!
The only people Jesus offended were not the sinners but the Pharisees- the prideful and proud religious people. I wonder what Christ would say about Christianity today? Jesus said the world will hate you because of Him. But it seems that the worlds hates us not because of Jesus but because of our pride. I truly believe that pride is the root problem that causes Christians to act UnChristian and not like Christ.
Striving to be like Jesus is not an easy thing. But it is worth spending our whole lives trying. Jesus Christ transformed lives! He wants us to become more like Him. The question is are we being like Jesus? Does our lives accurately represent Jesus Christ? Or have we become something that Christ never intended us to become?
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