These past few days I have been contemplating the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus when He left earth gave us the Holy Spirit to be with us. The Holy Spirit's job is guide us into all truth and convinces the world of its sin. So without the work of the Holy Spirit, no one can be convinced of their sin. We can say things and share truth but without the power of the Holy Spirit working in that individual- absolutely nothing will happen!
So I began to ponder our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Do we even talk to him? Do we have relationship with him? Jesus has gone into heaven already and left the Holy Spirit with us. I would think that we need to work alongside with Him and join Him wherever He is working. But how we do that if we don't even talk to Him?
I find that when we pray we only talk to God the Father and Jesus, which of course isn't bad or anything and I am not suggesting that it is. But it sometimes feels we neglect the Holy Spirit- we don't talk to Him as much. But if Christ is in heaven and the Holy Spirit is here and lives within us- shouldn't we talk to Him more?
The Bible says that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us (Acts 1:6). What if every time we speak or whenever we walk in a room people sense something different about us? What if we were always spirit-filled in everything we do- in our conversations or when we hang out with people?
We have the most powerful being that lives in us! God with us- God in us! Imagine the impact we will make if all walked in the Spirit! Living spirit filled lives! I would like to encourage you to have that relationship with the Holy Spirit. Talk to Him and ask Him where he's working today. You never know he may be working in the lives of your friends and loved ones.
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