Saturday, December 13, 2008

Church thoughts Part 1

Hey all

So I wanted to write my notes on the computer..but I decided that I should include your guys I'm writing it on facebook..then I'll put it on file somewhere later. Anyways, this will kind of show you what I've been thinking and going through..till we reach here we go!

Church name: Grace Generation Church (GGC)..this is tentative..but so far it has recieved the best feed back

Purpose Statement: "To create a come as you culture that reaches this Generation for Christ and develops them into all God dreams them to be"

Key Words:

"Come as you are"- you are welcome, no matter your lifestyle; orientation; or beliefs

- doesn't necessarily mean we agree or approve of your lifestyle, but we want to love you, care about you and introduce you to Jesus Christ

- come as you are means a culture of love, authenticity, forgiveness, community, family and no judging.

"Reach"- we want to reach this generation; tell them about Jesus

" For Christ"- everything we do is for Him. We love Him and serve Him!

"Develop"- we want people to come as they are, but we don't want them to stay that way, we want them to grow spirtually, in love, in life, in their relationship with God and in knowledge-become better people

"Dream"- God has a dream for your life; help you realize that dream; fulfill your potential; live the life that God intended you to live, your desires, dreams, and gifts are clues to what God wants you to do, on how to serve him

Biblical Purposes

Come as you are (Community)
Reach (Evangelism)
For Christ (Worship)- everything we do is for Christ
Develop (Discipleship)
Dream (Ministry)- serve God through the plan and dream He has for you

If you read this..let me know your thoughts..if fell alseep..i still love guys! More tomorrow!


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