Saturday, December 13, 2008

Church Thoughts Part 3

So right now I'm just working on the spiritual foundation of the its purpose and why it exists.

I'm also thinking about the people that will follow me and work with me in building this church.

So I came up of Bible Study topics that we will need to study..perhaps i will start this at CNC BS..but here are the topics that I've learned about the church:

Come as you are culture: what is it?; no judging
The Impossible
The Grace to let others be
Agreeing to disagree- Unity in the Church
Introducing them to Christ first- as the focus...then to His ways
Let God Change others
Working with God
Our Lives must appeal to them
Community: Authenticity
Loving God
Loving our neighbor
The difference between conviction and truth; respecting each others convictions
The Power of the Church
A place for people to heal

These are topics that I want to inject into the church's DNA..and why not start it with the ones that are going to follow. If you have any topics let me know!

Somehow I've been trying to figure out how to communicate the purposes of the Church. Here are my ideas:

Meet with individuals or small groups of people- this I am going to do I will be meeting with people soon

Bible Studies
Power point

Here are some of my expectations that I've written down for people that will follow who come from the Birdge

Earlier, I expressed that I want people to follow, but I don't want them to just sit there and do nothing...I want them to be a part of the help out and make this church their own as well

So here are some of my expectations (not sure if expectations is a good word for

Serve in the Church (help out, pull your weight, use your gifts)
Support (Financially, Prayers, Encouragement)
Tell (Witness, invite their friends, we won't grow if no one
Unity (Will work hard at preserving the unity of church, preserving community)

So i'll be meeting with you soon and I hope you guys agree with these would love for all of you guys to come. I think it will be simply awesome! See you soon!


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