Friday, December 12, 2008

The Dream

For two years, I had been contemplating and dreaming about starting a church. This has been on my mind and heart for so long. This is my dream and vision.

A church that loves people. That loves each other. That loves God!

That experiences Grace and shows grace. A place where people don't get judged. THat get helped.

A place where people get saved. That go on adventure with God. That go deeper with God.

A church that experiences true community and friendship.

A place where people belong no matter where they come from

I envision many people being freed by God. Be healed by God. Be loved be God. Be saved by God.

A church that knows how to agree to disagree on certain issues..a church that is UNITED.

A church that accepts anyone no matter their race or looks or orientation or lifestyle...we would accept them, doesn't mean we agree with them or their lifestyle..but we would share God's love for them.

A Church that sends missionaries

A Church that helps people reach their potential

A church that grows an army of soldiers for God- soldiers that love people.

A church that is relevant to this culture. That understands the culture. A Chuch for this Generation!

A church that has a dynamic and powerful worship services

A church filled by the Holy Spirit

A Church where its members are taught to think, to ask questions, to contemplate, to test

A Church where its members are educated

A Church that will reach the community

A Church where no perfect people are allowed

A Church where freedom reigns and legalism is dead


  1. YES!!!

    >.> we should think of amaking a mission statement out of all this though.. f we dont already have one.

  2. lol..if you continue reading the other posts we created one..tell us what you think
