Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Journey of Faith

This is something interesting that I learned at the Youth Conference and it's about the stages of Faith. I thought this was a realistic view of people in their stages of faith.

Journey of Faith

- Simplicity
- Complexity
- Perplexity
- Humility


Stage 1: Recognition of God
Stage 2: Dicipled Life
Stage 3: Productive Life

So this is when everything is going good- you accepted Christ; you are learning and growing


Stage 4: Inward Journey

Things start to get complex. Things aren't going as smoothly. Times of trials and tribulations.


The Wall- you have to make a choice to give up or keep going- Crisis of Faith!
- sadly, many people choose to give up and turn their backs on Christ


Stage 5: Outward Journey
Stage 6: Life of Love

When people get to this stage they never turn their back on God. They have passed the moment of testing and the crisis of faith. They are now humbled at God's grace and they walk with great confidence in the Lord. 

I hope this helps you know where you are at in your faith journey. It will also help you know where other people are at in their faith journey as well.

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