Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A place of Worship?

Hey friends!

From my last update, I told you how a special person decided to financially support a building for our church! Which means, that the individual would pay our rent bills until we can afford it on our own. When I heard this news, I was so excited and so thankful! God can really do amazing things and I love how He just surprises us with these out of nowhere type announcements. I love it!

So last week, me and Hazel went looking for around for potential places of Worship. Now, let me tell you something about Hazel. She is the bravest person I have ever met. She is not scared of anything! She is such a good talker- very professional. To be honest I feel safe when she is around. I guess we don't call her "Agent Anderson" for nothing. She's that good!

But anyways, we looked around and we got one great offer. The price was good! The place fit our needs! BUT it wouldn't allow us to place music! Bummer! This would have been the ideal fit, but I guess it wasn't the place God had for us. The other places that we looked at were really expensive and not in the realms of our budget.

This week, we have resumed the "find a church" project and we do have a few leads! So keep praying for us that we can find a place! God is good! I know He has a place, but we just have to keep looking and soon enough he will reveal it! Pray pray pray!!!

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