Monday, August 3, 2009

What a week!

Hey Friends

That was a pretty hectic week! We got a lot done! We had our first GGC event "BBQ in the Park" and we also had our very first service! Yay!

The week started with the monster job of cleaning my basement! The basement was a dusty mess! We had to sweep the whole basement; wipe the walls; mop the floor and then paint it. It took two days to complete! Thanks to everyone who helped out!

On Saturday, we had a BBQ in the Park. Check out the pictures on the website! A lot of people came out- 41 people to be exact. We BBQ'd burgers and Hot Dogs! The Burgers were a hit! Unfortunately, the beautiful Jumbo Hot Dogs were not =( Oh well I guess more for me! Yay!

On Saturday Night, Shaula and I moved couches and chairs (bought from Wal-Mart) to the basement for the service that would happen on Sunday. It was quite the workout! I broke a sweat and probably lost some weight, only to be gained back again after a nice mid-night
snack- a precious Hot Dog!

On Sunday, we had our very first GGC Worship Service in my basement. 26 people came out for our very first service! Thanks to all that came! I was pretty nervous for some reason, I wonder if it showed? But I really want to thank God for being my friend and blessing us with this great week. All the Glory should go to Him!


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