Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Grace Generation Church Meeting Minutes

August 30,2009

Proposed Budget (60 out, 40 in)

  • $4200 monthly budget
  • $2500 Salary
  • $1000 rent
  • $200 Church Stuff
  • $300 CNBC Co-Operative Program (Disaster Relief and Missions)
  • $200 Neighborlink

Budget approved by team

*meet with Auntie Marte about how to break up David’s salary

*need to make a list for what is needed – Convention & possibly The Bridge (ask them) are willing to help purchase (i.e musical instruments/supplies, photocopier

Fundraising Events

  • Bottle Depot (quarterly)
  • Coco-Brooks
  • Bridge Brand
  • Garage Sale (yearly)- remaining items will be sent to a Charity
  • Fundraising Letter of Support

Treasurer – Dianne

Secretary – Joy

Chairman – Gerard

Vice Chairman – Rhea

Trustees – Gladys, Dianne, Rhea

*note: must update and fix constitution to match our application for charity status.


Next Meeting – September 27, 2009

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